Ravi Riley
Ravi Riley

Ravi Riley

I love making cool stuff that solves problems. 📍 Dallas → Toledo → Shanghai → 🏠 Los Angeles → 🐻 Berkeley 🎓 CVHS '20 → Cal '24
Right now, I'm:
  • studying electrical engineering & computer science at UC Berkeley
  • tinkering in the developer experience space
I took a gap year to build / work:
  • founding engineer at Simplify (YC W21), which helps people discover jobs and internships on its web platform, then 1-click apply using its auto-filling browser extension
  • founding engineer at a DeFi (Decentralized Finance) lending platform with novel capital efficiency mechanisms that achieved over $850 million in user deposits and became one of the top 50 protocols in all of DeFi by TVL (total value locked).
also build projects ⬇️

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